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About us


The firm Josef Zíka - production of electronic components and parts – was established in the year 1994 when the production of electronic components for the home customers started. The production assortment has been enlarging and the deliveries of electronic components and parts for the automotive industry has been increasing. The number of home customers, as well as foreign partners, has grown up substantially. The enlargement of the production put the firm in a position to found the liability limited company VESAD, Ltd. in the year 2006. The firm is situated in the South Bohemia on the route České Budejovice – Pilsen.


What we do

We produce wide spectrum of electronic components and products. There are some important facts for advantageous contacts with us: - The rational production costs enable deliveries for the most competetive prices. - The operative production control ensures deliveries in acceptable delivery terms. - Development of new parts and components has been effected within substantially shorter time than in development dept. of the big factories..